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Program of NUAA-MMU Professorial Workshop (5th-7th May 2015)



Time:     Morning of 5th May 2015

Venue:   12-209, the MingGuGong Campus


9:00       Workshop agenda by Dr Zhengmai Zhao

9:05       Opening speech by Prof. Jian Wang, deputy dean of CCST

9:10       Seminars from MMU

Topics:   Machine learning/Big data/Intelligent system

1)        Introduction – Prof. Martyn Amos will give an overview of research in CMDT (School of Computing, Mathematics & Digital Technology, MMU) and a brief summary of his research (appx: 30mins)

2)        Dr Nicholas Costen, Dr Liangxiu Han ad Dr Jim O’Shea will present their current research projects and future research ideas (30mins each person – 20mins presentation + 10mins discussion)


12:00     Lunch



Time:     Afternoon of 5th May 2015

Venue:   12-209, the MingGuGong Campus


14:30     Seminars from NUAA

Topics:   Machine learning/Big data/

1)        Introduction – Prof. Daoqiang Zhang will give an overview of research in CCST (College of Computer Science and Technology) (appx: 10mins)

2)        Prof. Daoqiang Zhang, Prof. Xuejun Liu, Dr Jianqiu Xu, Dr Youwen Zhu and Dr Xiangping Zhai will present their research projects and future research ideas (30mins each person – 20mins presentation + 10mins discussion)



Time:     Morning of 7th May 2015

Venue:   12-205, the MingGuGong Campus

10:00     Discussions and future planning

              Facilitator: Prof. Daoqiang Zhang


Proposed topics:

1)        Identify potential areas and formats of cooperation and exchange between NUAA and MMU

  • Exchange programs for undergraduate/postgraduate students, e.g., NUAA PhD students spending their last year of their PhD studies in MMU supervised by MMU professors, and vice versa.
  • Exchange programs for academic staff, e.g., NUAA staff members spending a period of time, say, 1-3 months in MMU and working together with their counterparties in MMU, and vice versa.
  • Joint application for UK/Euro research projects.
  • Joint application for Chinese research funding, e.g., NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China).

2)        Set up mechanism necessary to implement the cooperation

3)        Plan of cooperation for the next stage

4)        The visit to MMU by NUAA


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